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UK Research Councils . The UK Research Councils support postgraduate training and research through the awarding of valuable scholarships. In general, Research Council scholarships provide UK candidates with tuition fees award plus a maintenance grant. For the 2018/19 academic year the standard maintenance grant will be £14,777. Installation notes — CSD Python API 3.0.2 documentation Python version¶. Python 3.7 is supported, and is provided with the CSDS system. Separate pip and conda packages are distributed for Python 3.7 on supported versions of Windows, Linux and macOS.. For macOS the Python version should be from for our pip package. The pre-installed system Python on macOS is not supported. We recommend the use of our conda packages with Anaconda … ClinicalKey

All Goldsmiths alumni can access selected e-resources, including JSTOR and SAGE journals, by registering an alumni account at This free  

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